PREPARATION - Radical Readiness
You can always hope and pray that God will take you out of this world before anything bad ever happens.
Fact is, that is highly unlikely - So ... BE A HERO - Be Prepared.
Radical Readiness is not Survivalism - it is a Lifestyle.
A Lifstyle of Risk Mitigation.
Preparedness is a lifestyle not dissimilar from that of our great grandfathers.
They had to mitigate risks of crop, climate and cash failures with limited resources
- and no public safety net
Several important actions that significantly mitigate risk:
1) Get Out Of Debt
2) Pay off and maintain at least one vehicle with no debt
3) Save 3 to 6 months of salary
4) Maintain a Food Pantry with a stock rotated regularly
- stock food you will routinely eat
- this is also a ready resource to help others in need
5) Set Up a conservatory or green house.
- Store seeds
- With unstable climate conditions, exposed growing is high risk
- Hydroponics for low-cost, low water useage protected growing
6) Plan for raising small animals or fowl for eggs
- they are a low cost, low maintenance protein source
7) Explore opportunities for supplemental or renewable energy.
- Renewable energy gives benefit today offsetting utility bills and inflation effects
- Renewable energy is irreplaceable in the event of an outage or emergency or layoff
The Prepared Lifestyle resources:
Even your government leaders attempt to help you prepare:
When disaster stikes, government is wrongly blamed for lack of response. Help your leaders, live a prepared life.
Site Contents ©2009 Cogent Forge